Assessment Tax

1. Introduction

Where a local council declares any geographical area within its jurisdiction to be a developed area with the approval of the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government, such local council and any municipal council or municipal council within its jurisdiction shall levy fees. The fee charged at a rate determined by the local government body with the approval of the minister in charge of local government in order to meet the costs incurred for the services provided without doing so is called assessment. The total cost incurred to provide services within such an area and The ratio (percentage) between the sum of the annual values of each property in that province, multiplied by the annual value of such property, will be the annual assessment payable for that property. This percentage is calculated and determined annually by the local government in the above manner. Assessment is not a tax.

2. Legal Authority

To defray expenses incurred in carrying out and performing the functions and duties prescribed by section 4 of the Municipal Council Ordinance—
(a) to municipalities under section 230 of the Municipal Council Ordinance;
Empowered to levy and levy assessments.

3. Eligibility / Applicability

(a) property shall be any immovable or immovable property situated in the assessable area of any local authority and determined by that authority.
(b) the owner or occupier of any such property shall be liable to pay such assessment. (Whether the occupant of the property is the owner of the property or not, the occupant – the one who benefits from the service provided by the council – shall be liable to pay assessment)

4. Fee payable

(a) The local authority shall pay the amount of the assessment issued to the owner or occupier of the property.
(b) in case of receipt of assessment payable in advance at the time of delivery of the notice of assessment, the payment of such amount shall be mentioned therein. That amount should also be settled.
(c) These annual assessments may be paid in lump sum or on quarterly basis.
(f) The assessee shall be entitled to a rebate of 10% of the total amount if the amount relating to the entire year is paid before the 31st day of January of the prescribed year out of the amount of assessment payable in respect of any property. (The discount is only available if the product is available before the start of the year and is settled at that time)
(e) Also, if the assessment relating to any quarter of the year is paid before the end of the first month of that quarter, the assessee shall be entitled to a rebate of 5% of the amount relating to that quarter. (The said discount shall be subject to settlement for the entire purchase in respect of the relevant period)

5. Documents to be submitted

(a) Notice of assessment issued by local authority.
(b) In case the assessment notice is not available, it will be convenient for the front office officer to identify this information by furnishing the location (road, assessment number, address) of the property concerned.

6. Consequences of default in payment of assessment

(a) The owner or occupier shall pay to the local authority any assessment made by a local authority on immovable property or immovable property situated in any assessment zone at such time as the said authority may determine. If any person is expected to pay the assessment on time, the municipal authority has the legal authority to issue an assessment license in the name of a council officer or a tax collector to collect the amount.
(b) when such license is obtained by the municipal regulator, it shall also be lawful for the licensee to deposit in the fund of the local authority the amount to be awarded for bringing into possession all movable property belonging to any person on the subject property; .
(c) is hereby authorized to receive a certain amount as follows, in respect of the fee for the issue of a license to encumber any movable property.
I am. Where the property to which the assessable item relates is residential or vacant land, the levy shall be levied